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January is a great time of year to get straight at home, whether that be to tackle the decluttering & admin, put your affairs in order, or give your home some TLC. Whichever it is the Home & Company team would be happy to help.

Putting your affairs in order

Is it time to put your affairs in order? January is a good time to tackle this difficult job, whether sorting your finances or putting legal arrangements in place. If you haven’t already then you may want to think about a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). It allows you to appoint a person to handle your affairs if the time comes when you can’t make decisions for yourself. We know a small number of excellent law firms & specialist financial advisors. Do give us a ring if you would like to be put in touch.

Sorting your admin

Another common outstanding item on the ‘to do’ list is sorting the dreaded mountain of paperwork. It seems to pile up so quickly. We’ve got some great admin enthusiasts on the team so if you would like help with filing, paying bills, form filling, making telephone calls etc please do give us a ring.


Most of us will admit to having the odd overflowing drawer that we never get around to clearing. But for some of us the problem just gets worse year on year. Studies show that decluttering can really help your wellbeing.  If you would like help with tackling clutter that’s built up over time do give us a ring. We’ve got a number of people on our team who really enjoy decluttering and we’ve had success helping lots of clients over the years. Or it might be that you’d like help getting your photos into albums or sorting your bookshelves. Whatever your New Year’s resolution, we’d love to help you get it get ticked off.

Jobs for the handy man?

Has this cold and wintery weather highlighted any jobs that need attention on your property? Our team are very experienced and can undertake building repairs, small handy man jobs, and decorating and plumbing jobs. We also have an electrician and a security expert on the Home & Company team. None of us like to dwell on the issue of safety too much but door intercom systems, secure locks, security lights, burglar alarms, fire and smoke detectors all help to give peace of mind when you are living independently. If any of these things have been niggling you then do give us a ring, and if it’s helpful we can arrange for our team to visit to give advice and estimates.

In the meantime keep warm and well, and at least those evenings are slowing getting lighter!

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