01273 434190
Staying at home

Staying at home

Most people would prefer to stay in their own home if at all possible and there are lots of practical things we can do to make living independently just that little bit easier. It might be that some quite small aids and adaptations make your home much easier to live...
stop nuisance calls

stop nuisance calls

Good news! In January BT launched a ‘Call Protect’ service designed to block up to 30 million nuisance calls each week. The free opt-in service, which is available to BT customers, diverts calls before they reach homes, unlike reactive blocking which has been hampered...

Putting plans in place for your future care needs

We often provide help and support to our clients and their family when they are looking at future care options; including considering help at home and looking at other more supportive living arrangements. As part of that process we are often signposting people to...
What we’ve learnt about isolation and loneliness

What we’ve learnt about isolation and loneliness

Home & Company has been running for nearly five years, and in that time many of our assumptions about isolation and loneliness amongst older people have been borne out. But we’ve also had some of our assumptions challenged. In a nutshell these are some of the...

Home Fire Safety Check

Your local fire service can visit you and carry out a check. It’s free and you may be eligible for a smoke alarm. The visits focus on three key areas: Identify and be aware of the potential fire risks within your home; know what to do in order to reduce or prevent...

Fire Safety Checks

As we start to think about using the fire again, it’s worth considering having a Home Fire Safety Check if you haven’t already.They are free and you may be eligible for a smoke alarm. Your local fire service can visit and carry out an inspection. The visits focus on 3...

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