01273 434190

Most people would prefer to stay in their own home if at all possible and there are lots of practical things we can do to make living independently just that little bit easier. It might be that some quite small aids and adaptations make your home much easier to live in. Simple things like long-handled shoehorns and grabbers can make dressing much quicker. Raisers can make beds and chairs much easier to get in and out of. Kettle tippers can be the difference between making a cup of tea and not bothering. Grab rails are great for getting in and out of the front door. Other adaptations might be more grand-scale, like having a ramp installed or re-siting a shower and toilet downstairs. Age UK has a great website with information on adapting your home and there are some excellent mobility centres which stock a range of equipment.

STOP PRESS!! We’ve been given information about a great new scheme for people in Brighton & Hove who need to make adaptations to their home. The maximum funding available is £5000 and it is not means tested. If it would help you to have, for example, a stair lift or a level access shower in the bathroom this scheme could really help. You will need to have a referral made from an Occupational Therapist (OT) so do make an OT appointment via your GP practice. For more information about the adaptations scheme please contact the Housing Adaptations Service at Hove Town Hall on 01273 292443 or email them at adaptations@brighton-hove.gov.uk. Don’t delay!

No one likes to think about safety too much but door intercom systems, secure locks, security lights, burglar alarms, carelink alarms, fire and smoke detectors all help give peace of mind if you are living independently. The Fire Service provide fantastic free of charge Home Safety Visits. If you would like more information or to arrange an appointment call them on 0800 177 7069.

All these things mean that staying at home, if that’s what you want, can be made easier and safer. We wish you a very happy and healthy Christmas and in the meantime if you need any help with updating and adapting your home do give us a ring on 01273 434190.

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