After the expense of Christmas it might be worth looking into whether you are you claiming all you’re entitled to? According to Age UK, many older people who are missing out on benefits are unaware they could be entitled to extra income.
Some know about the benefits available but have been put off by the process which they feel is too complicated or intrusive. Yet if all those eligible for Pension Credit alone made a claim, it could boost their budget by an average of £42 a week – extra cash which could make a real difference when buying essentials.
Age UK is urging anyone who is concerned about their finances to call its national Advice line for expert information and advice about the financial benefits they may be eligible for. Age UK Advice is open every day of the year on Freephone 0800 678 1174 from 8am – 7pm. Their team of advisers are able to provide advice on a range of topics ranging from benefits to care homes.