If you’re lucky enough to have a garden or outside space you might be making use of it a fair bit for the next few weeks! The mild and soggy weather from a few weeks ago and now this lovely sunshine have made for great growing conditions both for the lawn and plants.
This month is a great time to be embarking on mowing the lawn, planting summer-flowering bulbs, and lifting and dividing overgrown clumps of perennials. Put some fresh compost on top of pots and beds if you have it. It’s also the right time for pruning roses, clematis and winter-flowering jasmines. And winter heathers can be trimmed too. If you haven’t already then do deadhead your daffodils and hydrangeas.
This period of enforced home dwelling might also bring out the Good Life in you – remember Tom and Barbara?! If you fancy having a go at growing some vegetables now is the time to plant shallots, onions and early potatoes. And it’s good to start kitting out the herb garden too. Basil and coriander are hardy enough to be planted in early Spring. Keep an eye out for slugs as the weather warms up, they love soft, new growth! Coffee grounds, broken eggshells and gravel, bark or wood chips can all help keep slugs away. And remove leaves and other debris from your beds as slugs love anything with moisture. If you would like some help in your garden please give us a ring at Home & Company. Our gardener Lee is happy to do regular visits, ad hoc or just one-off if you need someone to do some of the heavier work.