01273 434190

It’s not an easy time of year for everyone, we know. And it’s particularly hard these days as so many of us are ageing alone. If you’re local to the Brighton area and are alone at Christmas you might want to consider joining or helping at the Time to Talk lunch on Christmas day. Time to Talk, a fabulous organisation, are holding their Together at Christmas lunch. Transport is available to Hove Park School and the Time to Talk team will be there for a traditional Christmas dinner, desert and fantastic company. There is no cost involved! Christmas Day 1pm – 5pm
Hove Park School Valley Campus, Hangleton Way, Hove, BN3 8AA. To reserve your place please call one of the team at Time to Talk Befriending on 01273 737710.
Booking is essential.

On the subject of food (you know us, any excuse to talk about is!) and if you fancy getting involved in something a bit different this might be just the thing for you. Baking bread can really bring a smile to your face, as can talking to others and connecting with members of the community. Bread Shed allows you to do all this for free. There’s a new Bread Shed group for the over 50s starting at the Bakehouse in Hove. It’s an informal chance to bake, chat and make connections.Contact Paula on 07743 705609 or email paula@stonehambakehouse.org.uk. There is a similar bread club in Lewes too – contact Robin on 07766 526217.

Maybe you’re living in a roomy house and could do with help and companionship? Have your heard of Homeshare? It’s a system of matching young professional people seeking a place to live with older people who have a spare room and who need a helping hand at home. Homeshare has been operating in various places around the world and there are a limited number of schemes in the UK but the feeling is that it has the potential to be a much more widespread solution. The UK’s first national Homeshare Programme has now been established to support the piloting, development and evaluation of homesharing models. A £2m national Homeshare Programme has been developed by the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales and Big Lottery Fund in partnership with Shared Lives PlusAge UKThe Foyer Federation and Social Care Institute for Excellence to put homesharing on the map.

We totally understand that not everyone enjoys group activities or wants to share their home, and might just need a bit of support and companionship every now and then to keep things ticking along nicely. Home & Company can help with practical one-off or regular support such as shopping, cooking, cleaning and laundry, or with getting out and about to appointments or just for a coffee. If you would like to give it a try give us a ring on 01273 434190.

…….and a happy and healthy New Year to all.


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