Is there anything better than receiving a letter? Much is written about the lost art of letter writing and the virtues of writing and receiving letters, and these days is even the subject of many books. Interestingly a number of our team have been writing letters to people they haven’t been able to see during lockdown, where phoning isn’t an option either. They have really enjoyed both the writing and receiving a response.
Writing by its nature is a slower way of communicating and can mean that you give much more thought to what you’re going to say, your observations on life, and maybe being more honest about how things are going for you. Receiving a letter makes you really feel you are worth the time someone took to write it. But it doesn’t just have to be a lockdown activity does it? Maybe lockdown has given us the chance to remember what an enjoyable activity it is to get back to pen and paper?
We’re delighted to have come across a lovely pen pal scheme. A local upscale tea production company, Bird & Blend, have launched the scheme, matching members of their lovely team with people who are keen to have regular correspondence. All you need to do is phone us at Home & Company and we’ll put you in touch with the link person at Bird & Blend. We think it sounds fun!