What a fabulous extended Summer we have had down here on the South Coast and of course it had to end at some point! On the bright side we at the Home & Company office are rather too happily diving straight into the comforts of autumnal food. Is there anything better than a steaming bowl of soup on a wet day? And a casserole for those darker evenings? Eating well isn’t always easy, especially if you are cooking small portions or cooking for one, but there is no doubt that preparing homemade food is a lot cheaper and healthier than buying ready meals. Making soup is a great way to finish off veg, and stews are economical and easy to freeze in individual portions. We have lots of great cooks on the team if you would like some help with home cooking, either regularly or ad hoc, and great for stocking up the freezer.
Do you know about the Casserole Club? It’s a very successful international concept that connects people who like to cook and are happy to share an extra portion of a delicious home-cooked meal with older neighbours living nearby who could benefit from a meal and a friendly chat. We are very lucky to have it running in Brighton and Hove. You may want to be a ‘cook’ or a ‘diner’. Whichever way if you would like more information or would like to register contact the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership on 01273 234810 or email info@bhfood.org.uk.
Brighton & Hove Food Partnership have also produced a really useful and practical guide called Eating Well as You Age. It gives helpful advice on what to eat if your appetite is low, plus ideas on nutritious snacks. It has information on local support services and alternatives to meals on wheels. You can download the booklet here here or call 01273 234810 to request a hard copy.