In this wintery weather, do make sure you are eating well, making lots of hot drinks, keeping your home warm, wearing plenty of layers and keeping yourself moving. The Home & Company passion for soup is still going strong in these gloomy days! It’s such a good way to eat healthily, economically and keep warm. If you’ve lost your zest for the kitchen and would like someone to help you we’ve got some great cooks on the Home and Company team who would love to come and cook soup or anything else you fancy. And they can get your shopping on the way if that suits you best! Why don’t you give it a try?
Brighton has it’s own version of the successful Casserole Club which has taken off internationally. It connects people who like to cook and are happy to share an extra portion of a delicous home-cooked meal with older neighbours living close by who could really do with a meal and a friendly chat. You may want to be a ‘cook’ or a ‘diner’. Whichever way if you would like more information or would like to register please contact the Brighton and Hove Food Partnership on 01273 775888 or email
The Patients Association has been asked to collect patients’ opinions and experiences of hospital catering to feed into the NHS Hospital Food Review. They want to know if you had a choice of food; how it tasted; and whether you got assistance with eating if you needed it.
If you would like to share your personal story email If you would like a hard copy of the survey you can call Healthwatch on 01273 234041.