Do you find it hard to get rid of things? Does your clutter get you down? As we get older, it’s normal to accumulate more belongings, especially as we tend to form sentimental attachments to possessions. Most of us will admit to having an overflowing cupboard, drawer, or even a spare room, full of things that they keep meaning to clear out, but never do! For some people though, it can get out of hand.
The onset of hoarding behaviour can sometimes be associated with traumatic or significant life-changing events, such as death of a spouse or relative, deteriorating health or retirement and in May 2013, hoarding was officially recognised as a medical diagnosis. Age UK provide some useful information about how to set about decluttering, some of which we have included here:
• Focus on one area at a time, perhaps clearing access to the bathroom, kitchen or main living areas
• Don’t move things from room to room. The aim is to sort through what’s there and decide what to keep, what to throw away or recycle and what to donate to charity
• Set aside some time to work on your chosen area every day, even if it’s just half an hour. Establish a system and stick to a routine
• Once things have been packed up, don’t leave them in the house – get rid of them straight away. If something is difficult to part with, put it in a ‘review’ box and look at it again in a few weeks or months.
If you do need some help tackling clutter in your space do give us a ring, we’ve successfully helped a number of people with de-cluttering.