If you haven’t been tempted already, it probably won’t be long until you’re putting the heating back on. This time of year is a good time to start thinking about your energy supplier, before the winter sets in and your bills increase. A lot of people tend to stick with the same energy supplier, perhaps because they are unsure of how to change, or because they think it will be a complicated process. Unfortunately, the energy companies rely on people staying with them, which means many people are often heavily overcharged for their gas and electricity. Here are a few simple pointers for switching energy supplier.
If you would like to easily compare prices to find out which supplier would be the best for you, try Uswitch. On the website, you can enter your postcode and details of your current provider (have your bill to hand) and click ‘show me cheaper deals’ and it will provide a list of the suppliers that will save you the most money, and give you further details of each, along with an option to switch to them. If you don’t have access to, or can’t use the internet, you could phone USwitch instead, on their freephone number 0800 6888 244. You can also use USwitch to compare prices for your internet provider, mobile phone providers, personal finance and insurance.